Small-scale community wind is lifting off in Oneida, NY.
With only 1 turbine using less than 5 acres, this small-scale wind project can generate enough locally grown clean energy to power up to 1,300 homes. The electricity will stay within the community for local subscribers, giving Oneida residents & businesses more access to affordable clean energy—and more freedom to choose.
About the proposed project
The proposed project consists of a single wind turbine which will be thoughtfully sited on approximately 5 acres of unused land in Oneida, NY. The landowners are happily leasing this small portion of their property in exchange for a stable 25+ year income with little impact on their current land use.
LOCATION: 4949 Forest Ave., Oneida NY
ESTIMATED TIMELINE: (subject to change pending approvals)
October 2021: Install meteorological tower
Spring 2023: Begin permitting
Summer 2025: Submit building plans
Spring 2026: Construction begins
Application Documents
Conditional Use Permit Application
Conditional Use Application Checklist
Application for Site Plan Review
Code Enforcement referral for Conditional Use Permit (Building Permit)
Full Environmental Assessment Form
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Microwave Communications Study
Ice Impact on operation of Wind Turbines - Risk and Mitigation
Setback Considerations for Wind Turbine Siting
US Fish and Wildlife Service Species List
Listed Species Investigation Report
Response to Comments - May 9, 2023
Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Verification
NY Department of Environmental Conservation Wetland Jurisdictional Review
Benefits for the Oneida Community
Local tax revenue: Municipal services including the town, county, and school districts all benefit from the increased tax revenue from the project, all of which is negotiated as part of the permitting process.
Continued agricultural land use: Using small acreage, community wind projects typically allow farming operations and other agricultural land use to continue side-by-side the wind project.
More jobs: Small community wind projects like this one can create ~30 jobs over the life of the project, including short-term construction jobs and some long-term jobs for operations and maintenance.
Local materials: Steel, concrete, gravel, and electrical materials are typically sourced locally.
Locally-sourced clean energy: Provides locally-generated energy that powers local homes, restaurants, and businesses. This source of clean energy also supports the state’s goals to reach 70% renewable energy generation by 2030 and zero-emissions electricity by 2040.
Local energy users will be able to enroll in community wind program: Once the system is operational, community residents and businesses will be able to enroll and get clean energy at a discount, even lower than the rates for non-renewable providers.
How We Research Each Potential Wind Site
Wind measurements: During the initial stages, we typically install a meteorological measurement tower (also known as a “met tower”) to collect data on local wind speeds and other conditions to make sure the site is acceptable for wind energy. Met towers are typically removed before construction begins on the project.
Environmental studies: As part of our comprehensive due diligence, our engineers will conduct a very thorough process of evaluation and permitting to assess and mitigate risk to the communities where we work. This includes studies to rule out any impact on historical/cultural resources, wetlands, or endangered or threatened species. We will continue to update this page when each of these studies are complete.
Impact on birds and bats: For each of our wind projects, we also consult with the Department of Environmental Conservation and avian specialists to conduct habitat assessments to ensure there’s no adverse effects on bird and bat populations.
Your Questions, Answered
Will wind impact my property value?
The short answer is no. There’s no long-term evidence that wind power impacts property values, based on years of major comprehensive and peer-reviewed studies in the US.
Even as recently as February 2022, the leading energy researcher for the Department of Energy was quoted in an NPR interview reiterating his findings that there’s no impact to residential property values after studying it over multiple periods of time.
The most comprehensive study to date was published in 2015, and it found no statistical evidence that home values near turbines were affected in either the post-construction or post-announcement/pre-construction periods.
We understand you have genuine concerns about your most important asset — your home. And as one of the oldest and most reliable clean energy developers in the U.S., we know the importance of making careful choices for your land. But as scary as the sensational headlines and anecdotes might seem, they just aren’t true.
What is Community Wind?
Most importantly: it’s NOT a utility-scale wind farm.
Small project on minimal acreage: Unlike large-scale wind farms that generate energy for utilities, smaller community wind projects like this one use minimal acreage with only 1-2 wind turbines.
Freedom to choose: Once the project is complete, community members can choose to buy their electricity directly from Community Wind — keeping the clean energy in their community.
Affordable electricity from a renewable source: Once the turbines are operational, local participants in the community wind project receive clean energy at a discounted rate, taking advantage of the most affordable way to generate electricity today.
Fun fact: As little as 5 acres of available land can produce enough wind energy to power 2,500 local homes, making community wind a desirable option for rural areas looking to gain energy independence while also generating municipal tax revenue.
How do we handle waste disposal at the end of a wind turbine’s life?
Even though renewable energy waste contains much less toxic substances than fossil fuel emissions, the industry has developed solutions for safely recycling renewable energy systems to further sustainability efforts. At New Leaf Energy, we partner with manufacturers who recycle system materials to use in other wind projects or other materials. In addition, at the end of the system life, it is removed and the land is restored, placing topsoil and seed to the landowners specification.
Recycling: For wind systems, typically manufacturers first separate blades, nacelle covers, and hub covers from the turbine. Then, metals are removed from the fiberglass components. Fiberglass pieces and metals are routed to pre-vetted, trusted recycling partners. Fiberglass recycling methods are selected to match the needs of the project. These recycled materials can be repurposed its various ways, including cement coprocessing, gasification, new composite materials, or the reclamation of fiberglass/carbon fiber into raw materials.
Restoration: Then, the manufacturer completes the lifecycle of a wind project by sustainably restoring the site back to its natural state following removal. Wind turbines can also be refurbished and fed into the production of new wind turbines. Recycled materials can be returned into concrete for local roads or composite materials for decking and roof shingles, for example.
Will the foundation impact groundwater?
The project is expected to utilize an approximately 70-foot diameter spread foundation, which minimizes the depth of excavation. In fact, this type of foundation only requires about 12 feet of depth — similar to what is required for a typical residential home basement. This depth will be obtained by excavation, but if the subsurface conditions require, blasting may need to be utilized. New Leaf has committed to pre- and post-construction groundwater monitoring to mitigate any risk posed by potential blasting.
More FAQs about Wind Energy
We know you may have questions about wind power, whether they’re concerns about sound, property values, and impacts on birds. Here’s one of the best sources of fact-checked information about wind, with links to the original sources: The Truth About Wind Power.
Wind energy is a quiet neighbor when operating. The proposed turbine will adhere to the City of Oneida noise regulations, which limit wind turbines to no more than 45 decibels of sound at the property line.
Prior to submitting an application to the City of Oneida, New Leaf Energy worked closely with Epsilon Associates, an industry leader in sound modeling, to analyze the proposed project. The purpose of this analysis was to ensure compliance with the City of Oneidas code, as well as industry standards. The resulting study, submitted with the Conditional Use permit application, shows sound levels well below industry standards, and meeting the City code.
The resulting sound levels at homes in the area were also analyzed and it was found that levels will be below 35dB even at the nearest home. For context, 35dB is the level of a quiet library. It should be noted that these are the maximum noise levels a turbine would produce, which would correspond to windy conditions when ambient noise levels are high.
Proper siting is critical to mitigating safety risks - the proposed turbine is located 840 feet from the nearest property line, and more than 2000 feet from the nearest home.
To reduce the risk of ice throw, the wind turbines can be shutdown remotely when site personnel observe icing conditions and ice formation on the wind turbines, or predicted atmospheric conditions warrant. If ice buildup is detected, the turbine will shut down and go into an ice-shedding mode, in which the turbine is at a standstill until the ice has been shed. In this case the ice would fall directly below the turbine.
Additionally, the turbines have been designed to withstand lightning strikes, and are designed to withstand hurricane force winds. Again, proper siting provides a safety buffer in the unlikely event of a turbine collapse. In the rare event that turbines have collapsed, typically the blade strikes the tower, causing the structure to collapse down, rather than falling over. However, in the worst case scenario where the turbine falls over intact, the 840 foot setback to the nearest property line allows the 560 foot tall turbine to fall without risking neighbors or infrastructure.
New Leaf is also dedicated to working with the local fire department, and the Oneida Fire Department has been involved in discussions about the proposed project. In the event of a fire, a defensive approach is appropriate where the area is secured and allows the turbine to burn itself out. As the project continues to mature, New Leaf is committed to providing site plans, knox boxes, training, or other accommodations to the Oneida Fire Department as necessary.
Wind power is far less harmful to wildlife than traditional energy sources. According to the Audubon society, the greatest causes of bird deaths are cats, tall buildings, power lines and cell towers, and automobiles.
Proper mitigation measures ensure that impacts to wildlife are minimized, and that is why New Leaf, in consultation with the New York Department of Conservation, has agreed to cease operations during defined periods of high bat activity.
This project must obtain a State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit for stormwater discharges. In order to obtain the permit, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) was prepared and submitted to the City. This document is a design report that outlines all the measures that are implemented to protect the adjacent properties from surface water problems and show how the project meets State regulations.
The design of the access roads and wind turbine site has been analyzed to ensure that the project will not adversely affect runoff or cause downstream flooding. Stormwater management best practices will be installed to ensure no increase in the amount of water coming off the site or impacts to water quality will result from the project.
This project will continue to generate emissions-free electricity for decades to come, with the projected project lifespan being up to 40 years. At the end of the turbine's useful life, the operator will be responsible for removing it.
NLE submitted a decommissioning plan and estimate to the City of Oneida. The plan requires removal of all project features including the turbine and all gravel areas to a depth of 4 feet as required by NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets. Prior to construction, a decommissioning bond will be put in place by the turbine operator. This bond will be held for the lifetime of the turbine to be used only in the unlikely event that the City of Oneida needs to remove the turbine. In that case, the City will be able to use the funds in the bond to pay for removal, at no cost to taxpayers.
To ensure roads are not damaged by the construction of the project, a road use agreement will be negotiated with the appropriate entities prior to construction. It is expected that this will be Madison County, the Town of Lincoln, and the City of Oneida. The road use agreement will include the following:
– Statement of no adverse impact or expense to the community.
– Designated roads to be used over the course of the project.
– Pre- and post- road evaluations, including before and after photographs, to confirm no damages of the traversed roads have occurred.
– Any damages to the roads will be repaired in a timely manner.
Shadow flicker can occur when rotating turbine blades come between the viewer and the sun, causing a moving shadow. Shadow flicker usually occurs close to sunrise and sunset. Factors that determine how often a wind turbine will cast a shadow on a residence or other structure include turbine height and length of blades, site topography, distance between turbine and structure, season and time of day, wind direction and speed, and cloud cover. For instance, there is no shadow flicker on cloudy days or when the wind is not blowing.
When proper planning and standards are implemented during the design process, the occurrence of shadow flicker can be minimized or entirely avoided. The impact of shadow flicker on homes, roads, and populated areas can be mitigated through the use of appropriate setbacks, planting trees for screening, or window treatments to minimize concerns. Shadow flicker can also be limited by pausing the operation of a turbine during periods when unacceptable flicker is expected to occur.
Community wind projects do not require transmission lines, rather they produce local electricity for consumption in the surrounding region. Community wind-generated electricity is not exported to other areas, but used locally. Community wind projects connect to electrical ‘distribution lines’ which are the same lines that feed neighborhoods, businesses, schools, and municipal buildings.
An unparalleled track record
About New Leaf Energy
At New Leaf Energy, we partner with landowners, policy makers, and other stakeholders to accelerate renewable energy adoption. One of the most experienced renewable energy developers in the United States, we have an unparalleled track record of converting potential projects to gigawatts in the ground.