Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at New Leaf Energy 

New Leaf Energy’s DEI plan centers on three objectives:

  • Creating an intentional environment of inclusion;

  • Consistently focusing on diversifying employee representation at all levels of the organization;

  • Improving systems that give employees more support to learn and grow their careers at NLE.

Hallmarks of our efforts include:

Commitment to Transparency:

  • We invite anyone to read our DEI Policy, which details our efforts in each of the three objectives outlined above.

  • Every November, we publish a detailed DEI progress report, providing visibility on our efforts and celebrating our collective achievements.

Employee-Led Initiative with Executive Support: 

  • Our DEI work is championed by a dedicated employee committee and fully supported by our executive team.

  • The DEI Leadership Group is led by New Leaf Energy’s Director of People + Culture, and is composed of five employee volunteers who have each committed to serving a one-year term. It meets monthly to set strategic priorities.

  • Our DEI Committee is open to all employees and gathers quarterly to review progress and ensure sustained focus.

Driving Meaningful Change:

  • We’re refining inclusive hiring practices to attract diverse talent and minimize implicit bias to our best ability.

  • Our companywide leadership group receives a twice-annual written report that reflects on employee engagement (as measured by our semi-annual Gallup survey) and proactively attempts to identify where different demographic groups are having different experiences at work.

  • To bridge identified gaps in employee experiences, we take action by training managers on how to create an inclusive work environment, offering targeted employee development opportunities, pairing employees with appropriate mentors, and more.